Oooo... I like the red rocket very much!
I haven't meant to to be MIA lately. Just been wrapped up in one thing or another. The boyfriend and I are back together (Yeah, THAT breakup didn't last long!). Law school starts next week (Eeek! What was I thinking?). Ran the Falmouth Road Race Sunday along with 9,000 other people - finished in the top third of the women. Met Gabe Kapler today and remembered what it is like to be twelve years old and standing in front of a really, really cute guy that you have a really, really big crush on.
Boston survived the DNC. Surprisingly well, too, I might add. Nothing of any real political importance to report from these parts.
Except that the Amber Alert here kicks major rumpus. We're two for two in the last two weeks - three for three overall!
Also, we've just passed a law that allows level three sex offenders' names, addresses, workplaces, and level of compliance to be posted online. I'm not sure how many other states are doing this (I SHOULD know), but I think it's a very good thing. And, of course, the site had thousands of hits after being up only hours.
The only other bit of personal news that I have is that last Friday I met my boyfriend's eleven year-old son for the first time. Please bear with me, here. I'm still sorting through my thoughts about this. Of course, I've been very excited about meeting him for a long time now, but was in no way prepared for the power of the moment and how much of a reaction I would have once we were standing face to face and I was reaching out to shake his eleven year-old hand. I can't even put it into words yet.
I guess part of it, first of all, was the reality hitting me that I am in love with someone who has an eleven year-old child. Part of it was witnessing for the first time the fatherly pride in his eyes when he looked at him. Part of it was watching the two of them interact, and walk side-by-side (like mirror images of each other) and being amazed at how natural they look together and how I could have never seen this before. And a huge part of it was being in absolute awe that this was HIM - the boy I had heard so much about.
I've known every play he's made in baseball for the last two years. I know what grades he got, what warnings were sent home. I know about the stitches he got when he fell off his bike trying to keep up with his father. I know his favorite lines from "Austin Powers." I know about how he tries to hide the fact that he stays on the phone late at night with his girlfriend. I know how he struggles with being a hunter like his dad and uncles and grandfather, and being an animal lover.
He is the most important person in my boyfriend's life. And I was in awe of him.
At one point, my boyfriend and I caught eachother's eyes and there was a split moment of absolute happiness. For someone with commitment issues, I certainly surprised myself.
(And, of course, I'm scared to death at the thought of meeting him again.)
So that's my happenings as of late. I may have some Baltimore pictures I can post. I will have to check.