August 19, 2004

Hear ye, hear ye.

Well, law school has officially started and it's already kicking my butt. So far, after two nights of orientation and one night of class, I have learned that traffic on Boston's Route 128 will be stopped for miles regardless of time of day. I have learned that there are ALWAYS open parking spaces infront of the State House (hm... could it be because the Senate is hardly ever in session? Or, even, in office? See my earlier post about my "mutual infatuation."). I have learned that federal courts have subject matter jurisdiction over civil cases under 1331, that briefing cases is much easier than it is made out to be, and that my first born child should be named Stare Decisis.

I actaully have three more cases I need to brief before I can go to bed (and I am EXHAUSTED). So I will check you all later.

Hope all is well. Peace.


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