March 05, 2004

Bragging rights.

I won't be a jerk here, but I will on my other blog.

On Mr. Gibson's movie: I would like to see it, if only to see what it's all about . My "Phenomenology of Love" professor is Jewish and very skeptical about the film, but he wants to see it, too. He's right; there's no point in attempting to discuss it intellligently without seeing it first. There has to be more to it than the clips I have seen on the news in this part of the country.

That being said, I am wary of it even as a Christian message. From my 12 years of Catholic school and 2 years or graduate school at a Catholic University, I remember that Jesus is supposed to have done a lot more than being executed like a criminal. What is the message that the makers of the the film, the pastors of churches here in the Heartland who gave "un-believers" free tickets (without screening the movie first, mind you) and the folks who beg us all to see it mean to express? That Jesus was great because he died and that Christianity is founded on violence and persecution?

There has to be a better message. Maybe there is. Maybe I should see it. Not wanting to is Okay, but not if you want to talk about it intelligently. So someone call me on it if I talk about it too much without seeing it, Okay?


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