September 26, 2004


It's a ghost town up this bee-otch.

September 22, 2004

Kerry's speech.

Kerry gave a supposedly rousing speech recently. It's about damned time he decided to get in the race. Geez. You'd think anyone could get up and say that he wouldn't do what Bush did and will bring our troops home one day and that the war was and is a mistake and win an election. I suppose there is some "honor" in Kerry not getting his hands dirty and in not getting nasty about Bush. But there is a greater good, namely, getting Bush out of office. Do whatever you have to do, Mr. Heinz.

Here is the speech, for your own inspection and reading pleasure.

September 14, 2004

Bush hates Jesus?

This is hilarious.

September 11, 2004

In memorium.

September 08, 2004

Another public service announcement.

Re: Holding doors.

To the guy who dropped a door on me today, inches behind him, on my way into the student center to get some between-seminars-no-sleepy-sleep coffee:

"People of the Heartland: Hold the fucking door for the person behind you, especially when it's a heavy door that someone held for you. It's the right thing to do, folks."

Thanks a lot, asshole.

September 07, 2004

1,000 dead.

It seems that one thousand American lives have been lost in Iraq, all but 138 lost after Dubbya declared "Mission Accomplished" in May 2003.

Bush was in Poplar Bluff, Missouri yesterday. Not far from here. Some mis-guided geezers with nothing better to do got him to come with something like 10,000 signatures. That doesn't seem like much. Seems to me like they could have gotten more than that telling that guy to stay the hell out of the Heartland. I'd have copied the letter by hand 10,000 times myself.

Too bad that Kerry is losing in the poles. My wife is right. Kerry needs an attack-dog. Why the hell is he not calling Bush on the war, on not coming up with Bin Laden, on the fact that so many nations in the world hate us now? I understand wanting to run a "clean" campaign. But come on. There's a greater good here, namely, getting Bush out of the White House. Most of the people I know who are going to vote for Kerry are voting for him for negative reasons: just because he's the only person with a shot at getting Bush out. I don't think this is an isolated phenomenon, either. It seems that Kerry might get people to at least vote against Bush with a few nice attack ads. In a few weeks, I'll be voting against Bush, not necessarily voting for Kerry.

September 04, 2004

Bitching blog.

Sometimes I want to start a bitching blog that acts like a public service announcement center. I decided today that, if I were stinking rich, I would air commercials out here in the Heartland that would instruct the nice folks here on their manners. Here's one for today:

"Southern Illinois, you're nice people. But use your fucking blinkers. Thank you."

Excuse my French. I've almost sit several gosh damned mini-vans this week. Idiots.